[service-orientated-architecture] [CfP] Reminder: Submit to ISWC2016 Doctoral Consortium!
Miel Vander Sande miel.vandersande@ugent.be [service-orientated-architecture]
2016-05-19 13:50:15 UTC
Submit to ISWC2016 Doctoral Consortium!
15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016)
Kobe, Japan, October 17 -21, 2016

Website: http://iswc2016.semanticweb.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/113652365383847
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ISWC2016

The ISWC 2016 Doctoral Consortium will take place as part of the 15th International Semantic Web Conference in Kobe, Japan. This forum will provide PhD students an opportunity to share and develop their research ideas in a critical but supportive environment, to get feedback from mentors who are senior members of the Semantic Web research community, to explore issues related to academic and research careers, and to build relationships with other Semantic Web PhD students from around the world.

The Consortium aims to broaden the perspectives and to improve the research and communication skills of these students.

The Doctoral Consortium is intended for students who have a specific research proposal and some preliminary results, but who have sufficient time prior to completing their dissertation to benefit from the consortium experience. Generally, students in their second or third year of PhD will benefit the most from the Doctoral Consortium. In the Consortium, the students will present their proposals and get specific feedback and advice on how to improve their research plan.

All proposals submitted to the Doctoral Consortium will undergo a thorough reviewing process with a view to providing detailed and constructive feedback. The international program committee will select the best submissions for presentation at the Doctoral Consortium.

We anticipate that students with accepted submissions at the Doctoral Consortium will receive travel fellowships to offset some of the travel costs.

Submissions due: May 30, 2016
Detailed info: http://iswc2016.semanticweb.org/pages/calls/doctoral-consortium.html

Program Chairs
* Philippe Cudré-Mauroux - University of Freiburg, Switzerland
* Natasha Noy - Google Inc.
* Riichiro Mizoguchi - JAIST, Japan

